
Are There Acceptable SCAMS?

Usually the words “scam “or “fraud”  are used to identify any unacceptable business practice which are normally subjected to prosecution. In other words, the law intervenes and proceeds with arrests, followed by charges leading to trials; however these days that seems to happen only to small businesses with limited financial resources, more often than not […]

Federal Jack and Lase Med Inc, Veterans of the Google Wars

A YouTube video exposing trickery to keep the truth from you, and to make sure the same slanderous pages by the same hired bloggers retain top search positions.


“If you’re not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.” –Malcolm X It is common knowledge that the healthcare industry has become a virtual monopoly controlled by pharmaceutical interests with inordinate amounts of influence in Washington, D.C., and beyond; and […]

Let’s Stand Up, America!

Before the previous blog could be posted, the shameless individual exposed in that post had the audacity to claim that he was just “joking”, and that he didn’t mean anything “personal” against the law student who testified in Washington in favor of insurance coverage for contraceptives. For over two years, yours truly also has been […]